Institute of Advance Education and Social Welfare
Get Involved

Volunteers are committed to serve the society with sincerity and honesty. It is flexible support from the volunteers. You can join with us as a teacher, health camp workforce, rally members, health related councilors or as a researcher if you have any specialties. The volunteers of the institute carry out all the campaigns by funding themselves and from their friend and relative circles. i-volunteers always welcome the new volunteers to work with them.

Pray with us

Prayer changes the world. We invite you to join us in praying to Divinity, the Lord of Life, whose love and forgiveness sets us free from all the vilest.

Campaign with us

We are dedicated to maximizing awareness within the wider community. With greater awareness comes more support. By joining a campaign, you can make a real difference to the lives of poor and illiterate people as well as on environment sectors. Join our campaigns network for updates on our current activities and the impact you're making.

Partnership with us

i-volunteers are waiting to get a partnership with a local or foreign entity to ensure smooth running of its all awareness campaigns, programs and research. Please write us if you have any query regarding the partnership to with a cc to


Institute Of Advance Education and Social welfare
U-55, (ground floor), Nurjahan Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Telephone : +8802-48118104, Cell : +8801955902920
Email :

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